Are you part of a company that wants to get moving? Discover the Challenge!
For several years now, BougeBouge has been working with companies across Quebec to offer team-building activities. We wanted to make this principle more widely accessible, so we created the Business in Action Challenge. This challenge is a team-building and fitness opportunity for your team! It combines autonomy and supervision, making it adaptable to your schedule and needs. The challenge consists in preparing together to take part in a BougeBouge! event. These are the perfect events for your team, thanks to their dynamism and festive atmosphere!
Taking up the Défi Entreprises en Action means getting active with your work team before, during and after a BougeBouge event. You can run as a gang or in a relay – the choice is yours!
Any company, organization or group in the region.
Team building
Develop and improve the bonds between your team members with a day of fun outside the office.
Family day
Encourage your employees to participate with their families and replace the traditional work barbecue with a fun field day.
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet other companies in your region in a setting different from the traditional 5 à 7.
Social involvement
Get involved, connect and have a direct positive impact on your community.
Before the event:
- Download our free training plans HERE
- We invite you to make a short video announcing that the challenge will be taken up by your company. Send this video internally and also to our team so that we can also share in a publication on our social networks.
During the event:
Trois étapes faciles:
- Choisissez votre événement.
- Sélectionnez le billet “défi entreprise” et ajustez la quantité selon votre situation. Des distances allant de 1km à 42.2km sont offertes, selon l’événement.
- Remplissez les champs des participants et complétez l’inscription.
- Explorez le plan de visibilité pour encore mieux positionner votre entreprise
Contactez pour toute question!
The BougeBouge Business in Action Challenge is the perfect opportunity to make your company shine by putting health back at the heart of your priorities!