Become a BougeBouge volunteer by getting involved in one of our Events!
All BougeBouge events are unique and you will feel the family aspect of our organization. As a volunteer, you can choose from a variety of positions, including bib distribution, water point assistance and athlete direction. To make your volunteer experience memorable, we offer you a participant bag, including snacks and surprise items from the event, as well as the promise of a dynamic and festive atmosphere! A volunteer position according to your preferences in an event like no other, don’t miss it!
Are you between 13 and 16 years old and need to complete volunteer hours as part of your school curriculum? Form a team of 4 people with a parent as team leader! Parents involved motivated kids! Click on one of the events below and become a BougeBouge volunteer!
What is volunteering?
Volunteering is about giving your time to strengthen your community and improve both your quality of life and that of others. There are many volunteer opportunities in the community that: Satisfy your passion, Suit your personality, Match your interests, Build on your experiences, Match your lifestyle, Contribute to your health and well-being.
How does volunteering fit into my lifestyle?
You may be at a stage in your life where you no longer want to take on responsibilities or you may be in a position to take matters into your own hands. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities to suit different interests and situations. You can volunteer… From home – In an office – In a garden – Abroad – With family and friends – Alone – During the summer – Once a year – Every day – Now or later – Short term, long term, permanent or occasional. Tell us in the form below.
Benefits of volunteering
Volunteering not only allows you to make a valuable contribution to the community, but it also provides you with many benefits as a volunteer.
Benefits: Gain new skills, Broaden your horizons, Maintain and create a sense of belonging, Expand your social and professional network, Stay active
Reductions: Stress, anxiety and depression, Low self-esteem, Social isolation, Stress-related illness
What kind of volunteering can I do with BougeBouge?
- LEADERSHIP Facilitate a strategic planning session, Serve on our Board of Directors or on a committee, Chair a fundraising campaign, Help set up a fundraising campaign for the Kathy Tremblay Foundation, Team Leader for permanent volunteers
- MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Revise a human resources manual, Plan the volunteer schedule for an event, Enter pre-event registration data, Provide general administrative assistance, Plan strategic coaching of long-term volunteers, Find and apply for grants for the Kathy Tremblay Foundation
- TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA Writing articles for our website, Translating Fr/Ang, Customizing a database, Giving running workshops in preparation for a BougeBouge
The possibilities are endless...
- MANUFACTURING AND CRAFT Building a mobile podium for the BougeBouge medal ceremony
- NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT Research best practices for eco-friendly events
- INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT Serve as an entrepreneurship mentor, act as an advisor to one of our general managers
- DIRECT SERVICE Answering general BougeBouge calls, Making follow-up calls to volunteer teams, Coaching a school team, Providing transportation to schools
- ENTERTAINMENT Playing an individual or group musical instrument at an event, Painting collectively at a BougeBouge, Acting as Master of Ceremonies at a volunteer awards night, Doing a comedy monologue at a fundraiser
Join volunteering with other things you value in your life, such as:
Spend time with your family at a BougeBouge (volunteer with your family)
Spend time with friends (form a running group in your community)
Participate in a recreational activity (accompany a person with a disability to a BougeBouge event)
Volunteerism and retirement planning
Volunteering can play a key role at all levels, but it can also help you through transitional periods such as retirement. Volunteering can help enhance your quality of life today and allow you to leave a legacy for future generations. If times of transition or retirement mean a change in your home, neighbourhood, health, employment situation or daily activities, volunteering can make your days meaningful and satisfying, and allow you to see the situation in a new light. Volunteering can connect you to your community, help you maintain your skills or learn new ones, and allow you to participate in the democratic process. Through volunteering, you can help create and preserve the society you want to live in, for you and for future generations.
We’re waiting for you! Fill out the form below to tell us about your interests